by Dr. Trama - Thursday, December 6th, 2012 In The News

There’s a growing new method in the fight against climate change: college students demanding that their schools divest themselves from their stock holdings in fossil fuel companies. The current movement hearkens back to the late 1970’s and 80’s, when there were protests on campuses around the country asking that their schools divest themselves of stock owned in companies that were doing business in South Africa, which was under apartheid rule at the time. So far, the students’ success has been limited, and no school with an endowment over $1 billion has agreed to the request, despite the fact that many administrators agree with their students’ climate change fears. Certainly, shedding stock in energy companies could be costly for colleges, and […]

by Dr. Trama - Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 In The News

Do you consider yourself an environmentalist? Are sustainable efforts important to you? In honor of the recently passed Earth Day I thought I would take a look at colleges with sustainable practices. Colleges across the country are rolling out new sustainable practices and initiatives. Take the time to learn about them when you visit campuses! Check out some examples of colleges who are taking “being green” to new heights. The University of Vermont announced this winter that they will become one of the first instituions nationwide to end the sale of bottled water on campus and mandate that at least one-third of the drinks that are in the vending machines on campus be healthy options. Colorado College offers an organic food buying co-op […]